Professor Danie Petzer
Head of Research
MBA Management Research Project Convenor at Henley Business School Africa

Professor Danie Petzer is a Professor of the University of Reading, Head of Research and MBA Management Research Project Convenor at Henley Business School Africa.
He is also an extraordinary professor of the Department of Marketing Management at the University of Pretoria. He has experience lecturing at certificate, diploma, degree and postgraduate levels, mainly in the field of marketing with a focus on marketing research, B2B marketing, customer centricity, international marketing, international business, consumer behaviour and services marketing. He lectures Research Skills at Henley Business School Africa. He regularly presents SPSS training courses he has developed to academics, post graduate students and industry. He holds a PhD (Marketing Management) specialising in services marketing and is a C2 NRF rated researcher. His research focus area is ‘uncovering consumer responses to organisational efforts to build, maintain and restore relationships with customers in a services context’. Danie has authored and co-authored several journal articles in his fields of specialisation, most notably published in the Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, The Service Industries Journal, European Business Review, International Journal of Bank Marketing, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Journal of Internet Commerce as well as local journals like the South African Journal of Business Management, Southern African Business Review, The Retail and Marketing Review and Management Dynamics. He has also made numerous contributions to textbooks and regularly presents papers at national and international conferences. He is an associate editor for the European Business Review (EBR) and he has supervised several masters and doctoral students in the field of marketing to completion.